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Get ready for A levels

Hello everyone, welcome to your own private area of our website.  This 'hub' is dedicated to supporting you through the next few months as you complete your GCSE courses and start to prepare for A Levels.

Making the leap from Year 11 into Sixth Form can be challenging in lots of different ways.  The way in which you are expected to study and the type of work that you do can be very different - for most of you that difference will be a very welcome change, but it can still come as a surprise to some.  It's also a completely different experience being at DM Sixth Form, something that is unique to us.  We are both a school and a college all wrapped up in one, so you get much more independence than if you were to stay at a school. 

Being more independent at school means you'll need to draw on some self-discipline to make sure you don't fall behind. Remember, we want you to meet your maximum potential!   Here you'll find all the information you need about how to prepare before you begin your lessons.  Your new teachers have uploaded some things for you to do that will encourage you to start thinking and learning for yourself, so start as you mean to go on.  Spend the summer relaxing and enjoying yourself, but also start to get yourself prepared for the next step.

Don't forget, your place at DM Sixth Form won't be confirmed until you receive your results in August - so make sure you speak to us on results day or at enrolment. 

Have a great summer!  

Mrs Balmer